Superior Iron Ore - Official Vindictus Wiki
May 17, 2018 · Superior iron ore from which a considerable amount of iron can be gathered. Obtained in dungeons. Can use all forms of trade.

Exquisite Iron Ore farming? : Vindictus
Ortel Castle is not worth it at all, soloing that place at that level is going to take ~30 min, and in my experience the chance of obtaining exquisite is so low that you only get ~1 ore per run, with the rest being copper or gold, no other kind of iron ore.

What is the bet place to mine superior iron ore? : Vindictus
Just clear the first area, then go to the first boss and mine the two ore nodes there. Collect the ore and leave, rinse repeat. Although youll NEVER get superior iron, if you arent above combining the ores up to superior iron its by far the fastest way to get enough ore for what youre trying to craft without going to the marketplace.

Best spot to farm Superior iron ore? - MPGH - MultiPlayer ...
Apr 04, 2011 · Exquisite iron ore has to be crafted, you remember Ferghus right? Superior iron ore can be crafted, and can drop from mobs in hoarfrost depths. But your best option is to mine ore in Fomor Base. They drop straight from ore veins in boat 6, along with Fine Fobellow Tin.

Iron Ore :: Vindictus General Discussions
Can i go into a battle, mine iron ore and then forfiet? will i get iron ores? ... Vindictus > General Discussions > Topic Details. Flameberg. Aug 17, 2019 @ 7:27am Iron Ore Can i go into a battle, mine iron ore and then forfiet? will i get iron ores? ... i myself and many other used to farm the sh.t out of iron …

Best methods for farming/making gold in 2017? - Vindictus
Jan 17, 2017 · Godly iron ore farming can be decent sometimes until someone lists a wall of them (a bunch of stacks at a time on the market). Everyone then has to undercut him because hes putting up more than whats going to sell, he relists the 8-9 stacks that didnt sell the next day at a lower price and this keeps going on till the price bottoms out.

vindictus how to farm superior iron ore
Jun 26, 2011· For Vindictus on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Ore Drops?" , Difficulty and oaths do not effect ore drops Besides, you want to farm ores by yourself so other people wont get your or , It has fairly decent drop rate for Superior Ores, which are fairly expensive (1 Superior = 12+ Iron ores), plus it has a little ore .


Ore Drops? - Vindictus
A good place to farm ores is the battle quest Frost Stones (assuming you want iron, copper and silver). It has a bit of ore veins and a ton of icedreges. I get 12 iron ores each solo regardless of...

where can i mine for iron in the eastern kingdoms - BINQ ...
Nov 15, 2012 · Farming Iron Ore | WoW Farming. Iron Ore is a level 30 ore that require level 100 mining to farm. ... best place farm superior iron ore vindictus; vindictus best place to farm superior iron ore; iron sand mining cooperation proposal offering; how …