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Used Fitzmill Equipment — Machines for Sale

Fitzmill Model DAS06, 316 stainless steel, pan fed reduction hammer mill with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 24" long x 18" wide stainless steel feed pan, with 6" feed throat and (16) fixed stainless steel reversible knife / blunt blades with 16" long x 5" wide product discharge with safety grid and 40" floor clearence.

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Buy and sell used Comminuting Mills (Fitzmills) at Perry Process. View our entire inventory of Comminuting Mills (Fitzmills) online. ... Used Fitzmill model DKAS 012, stainless steel contacts 15 HP motor, belt driven, water cooled bearings, pulverizer mill.

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Used Fitzmill — Page 2 of 5 Equipment — …

Fitzmill Model DAS06, 316 S/S, pan fed hammer mill with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 26" long x 20" wide stainless steel feed pan, with 6" x 11" feed throat, with 6" x 11" feed throught and 16 fixed stainless steel reversible blunt / knife blades with a discharge height of 36".

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FitzMill Hammer Mills - M5A & D6A - High …

Benefits of High Accuracy Milling. Having been in the milling sector for decades, we have gained unrivalled experience and knowledge. The M5A & D6A models can offer a wide range of particle size reduction targets using the ability to change or adjust rotor profiles, RPM and screen selection.

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Used Fitzmill Comminutor for sale. Fitzpatrick equipment … Fitzmill Mill Hammer DAS06 5G5503 Manufacturer: Fitzmill Fitzmill, Model DASO6, comminutor mill with 316 stainless steel contact parts. Production rates per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 32" wide x 32" long x 4" deep feed. Get Price

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